Tuesday, November 08, 2005

We walk past these oranges everyday on our way to the train....very difficult to walk past as they look delicious. These are quite large Christmas style Japanese oranges...notice the pen on the top if one to show the size. I wanted to put my hand there but Jim insisted that a pen would make more sense?!

More oranges, in clumps. Very tempting. We can buy bags of these for very cheap...the smaller the size of the orange the less they charge per kilogram...so we just eat more small oranges...they taste just as good. Last time we were able to get a bag of about 20 oranges for about $3.oo Cdn.

Morning glories! All the flower pictures and comments are mine, But I noticed Jim commenting on the flowers that we saw while out walking on Saturday...I think he is more interested that he lets on.

Another Mum plant....yes, only one plant and one main stem....has to be grafted somewhere for the colour changes. Each stem is attached to a wire and trained into this form. Amazing! Each stem is about 2 feet long. Difficult to describe but it was impressive.